Building Control Policy
(a) Reviewed as part of an annual on-going process the amount of its resources allocated to the building control functions, and
(b) Considered the standards for building control contained in the National Building Control Performance Standards to be the broad basis of performance for which these resources can be allocated. The resources allocated are reasonable having regard to the general level of building work taken on. Being provided by technical staff, administrative staff and any sub-consultants as and when necessary. Appropriately appointed persons by virtue of education and experience will be utilised, commensurate to function and complexity of individual or collective tasks required of them.
All Building Control believes the building control functions can be effectively performed on the following basis; allowing operation within the basis to be exercised by the building control staff using professional skill and judgement.
(a) Fees to be checked on applications submitted and invoicing to be agreed.
(b) Proposals submitted to be examined and clear/unambiguous decisions/contraventions issued to the client within relevant service delivery time periods.
(c) Statutory notifications, certificates and/or consultations to be authored, verified and served observing relevant time limitations. Views of those consulted shall be rendered to the client and any re-consultation necessary (such as in the case of significant departures to the original consultation) shall be undertaken.
(e) Within the resources provided, work in progress is to be inspected from when relevant to ascertain compliance with Building Regulations.
Assessment of Plans and Section 50 Plans Certificates
Site Inspections (workload, regime, records, consultations, and contraventions)
Workload – All Building Control suitably assigns and manages workload in terms of complexity, geography, and available expertise.
Regime – All Building Control recognise the widening scope and increasing complexity of the regulated areas for which building control is responsible and need, within resources provided and income received, to employ/retain/commission suitably qualified and experienced staff to exercise the functions to a reasonable level, and/or frequency. All Building Control operates their own judgment and skill in determining the frequency and expertise required for plan vetting and site inspection operations and this is based around the ‘’Risk Assessment Decision Making Tool for Building Control Bodies’’ guidance published by the DCLG. Necessity of inspection should be agreed at a frequency of 28 days for active sites and 90 days for non-active sites. This may be less or more frequent given the client/contractor contractual obligation under the notification stages he is given.
Without prejudice to the generality of (e) above, so far as possible inspections shall be made of:
- Work which is the subject of notification given to All Building Control as required under Building Regulation 15 within the specified period (e.g. commencement and completion);
- Foundation works and all other structural elements and components which may be covered and the failure of which would be significant;
- Unusual designs or methods of construction;
- Work relating to fire safety;
- Any type of work, construction or material which, if not verified, could cause defects which would be seriously detrimental to health or safety;
- Work affecting access and facilities for people with disabilities;
- Work affecting energy conservation;
- All building work upon practical completion;
- In respect of dangerous, ruinous and dilapidated buildings and structures, and neglected sites, so far as possible referral to the local authority for their own consideration under the provisions of Sections 77, 78 and 79 Building Act 1984, in relation to the following;
- To remind clients of their obligations regarding demolition of buildings prior to new build works such that they serve Notice the local authority under Section 81, Building Act 1984.
- To remind clients of their obligations regarding compliance with the Petroleum (Regulations) Act 1928 and 1936, and local authority orders made thereunder and relevant allied legislation, and recommendations made in relation to the issue of Petroleum licences.
Records – All Building Control will maintain site inspection records of the basic site visit undertaken.
Consultations – All Building Control will undertake fire authority and water authority consultations on an as required basis and in line with timescales laid down in the Approved Inspector regulations. Adverse comments will be communicated to the client. Re-consultation will be undertaken for the client as per the QMS (Quality Management Systems) when required.
Contraventions – All Building Control will communicate contraventions and non-compliances normally by way of site inspection report. This will be become more formalised where extensions of time and project closure is required.
Record Keeping and Archiving
- Any exempt buildings and work
- The type of building work
- The intended use of the building, floor area, cubic capacity and number of storeys
- In respect of extensions, material alterations or a material change of use to an existing building, relevant data in respect of the original building.
- The fire resistance requirements including particulars of any compartmentation and flame spread classifications.
- Where appropriate the rationale behind the fire safety design check will need recording, including permitted occupancy factors and anticipated maximum occupancy of floors/zones/areas.
- The accepted floor loading provided for by the structural designers.
- Details of local hazards, contamination, sewers and services beneath or immediately adjoining the site and any known risk of flooding.
- Details of consultation with the fire authority and any other such consultation.
All Building Control has resolved:
(a) To charge fees for the building control function commensurate with the level of input deemed necessary to reasonably ascertain compliance with the building regulations and having regard to the fee level guidance issued by the LGA.
(b) To participate in the promotion of Consultant Approved Inspector Building Control.