Don’t forget the Approved Document R


Publication title: Approved Document R – Physical infrastructure for high speed electronic communications networks

Date published: April 2016

Date it takes effect: 1st of January 2017

Due to the huge rise in use of the internet and broadband in almost all aspects of daily life today, the new Approved Document R took effect last January to ensure that all citizens and organisations have access to affordable high speed communication networks. It applies in England to new and existing buildings that are subject to major renovation works. It applies for dwellings and other building than dwellings.

The document introduces a new requirement for in-building physical infrastructure which enables copper or fibre-optic cables or wireless devices capable of delivering broadband speeds greater than 30 Mbps to be installed.

Where the work concerns a building containing more than one dwelling, the work must be carried out so as to ensure the building is equipped in addition with a common access point for high-speed electronic communications networks.

Approved Document